Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Bean Turns One!

We celebrated my baby's first birthday today! I can't believe he's already one!
The kids (and nana) loved the bounce house.
Friends and family came together to celebrate my boy's special day.
We are always happy when our friends can come and play!
It was a hot day, so the kids were super excited when the ice cream truck showed up. This was daddy's fantastic idea. The kids slurped down their fun treats and got completely sticky and messy - of course!

The birthday boy got to pull the first string on the pinata!

Mad dash for the candy and toys!

Proud parents of our (almost) one-year-old!!!

He wasn't too sure about what to do with the cake.

So he had a little help getting his hands in there.
He wasn't quite sure about all this mess ...

... but it just got worse!

No choice but for him to get naked for the rest of the party!
And a little more bounce before they took away the jumpy!

What a fun day! The last baby turns one. I can't believe it.

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