Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ultimate Mailbox Fitness Challenge

We had a free morning today so the kids and I decided to take a walk. I am always looking for ways to encourage my children to be more active, and they definitely had a lot of extra energy to burn today! Here is the fun activity into which we channeled all that excess energy:

Using mailboxes as landmarks, I designated a different activity to do in between each one. For example, run to the next mailbox/skip to the next mailbox, etc. The kids had a great time and of course, each mailbox was a new race. For my younger daughter, some of the activities were coordination or balance challenges, but she had a great time anyway. If you don't have curbside mailboxes in your neighborhood, you can use driveways or telephone poles or any other regularly occurring marker as the stop/start point.

Here are some suggestions for "mailbox challenge" activities (if necessary, demonstrate - for more laughs and to set a good example, join in on the fun yourself!):
  • run
  • skip
  • hop
  • hop on one foot
  • march
  • long jump
  • jumping jacks
  • lunges
  • walk backwards
  • side step
  • gallop
The possibilities are endless. Get your family outside while the weather is still nice and try a "mailbox challenge" of your own!

Today's workout:
45 min. elliptical hill interval (6.39 mi)
30 min. strength training
60 min. yoga

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