Friday, August 7, 2009

Ashtanga Yoga: First Series DVD

Since I can no longer regularly go to a gym with a decent yoga program, I have to find a way to beef up my home practice. This is hard for me, as I really need the motivation and leadership provided by an instructor. I have tried out several yoga DVDs that I enjoy, but I was really looking to continue with "serious" yoga and needed a DVD that would lead me through a true primary series.

Not surprisingly, I found it in a video created by David Swenson, the author of the authoritative Practice Manual containing detailed instructions for all the asanas in the primary series. Swenson was a student of the founder of Ashtanga Yoga, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

His video, Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice with David Swenson, is as thorough and enlightening as his book. He guides you through each step of the primary series with precise prompts and offers modifications throughout. The practice is fluid and follows the breath, and I worked up a sweat. It is definitely not a video intended for beginners unfamiliar with this type of practice. David's uber-flexibility is both disheartening (I could never do that!) and inspiring (maybe if I practice long enough I could do that!). The only down side to the video is his monotone voiceover and the lack of background music - it makes for a very somber tone. However, this is far outweighed by the technical value of the instruction. I could play my own soundtrack in the background if I decide that I need it. I will definitely be using this video often!

Today's workout:
@ gym:
60 min. strength training (focus on arms) & plyometrics
@ home:
60 min. yoga

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