Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Yoga is Not for Sissies

Tonight I did yoga with Tracey Gardner and it was awesome! Tracey has developed her own method of yoga, based on the power vinyasa style. It is done in a hot room and incorporates lots of "flow". She concentrates on moves that target your core muscles. It is fast-paced and intense!

The music that accompanies the yoga is unlike the music you will usually hear in a typical yoga class. It is loud, pulsing, dynamic music that energizes you and keeps you pumped! Sometimes it can be hard to hear Tracey's directions, but it is still fairly easy to follow by watching her example, and after going to her class a few times, you can catch on to the flow of the class.

Tracey uses a lot of what she terms "dive-throughs" ... similar to a traditional vinyasa, but you keep your arms closer to your body, lead with your chin, and add an extra push-up. You repeat these often, and you can feel the effect these moves have on your arms and abs!

I am always dripping with sweat after one of Tracey's classes. They are an amazing workout. Check out Tracey's website for more info about her and to find her class schedule.

Today's workout:
@ gym-
35 min. interval run (3.93 mi)
20 min. ab work
20 min. elliptical machine
60 min. power yoga

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