Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Creating Active Families

More and more children in the United States are suffering from obesity, which leads to numerous health problems in childhood that continue into adulthood. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the percentage of overweight preschoolers has risen from 5% between 1976-1980 up to 11% today.

Families can help combat this distressing trend by working to develop active lifestyles that foster healthy habits in their children. Today, we pulled out our Yoga Pretzels cards - a fun way to get kids moving, stretching and doing something different and new.

The cards are laminated, beautifully illustrated (by Sophie Fatus) with the pose on one side and instructions on the other. Yoga Ed., an organization that brings yoga to children in schools, developed the cards based on the book My Daddy is a Pretzel by Baron Baptiste. There are 9 different types of cards - Breathe, Game, Balance, Stand, Forward Bend, Back Bend, Twist & Stretch, Partner and Time In.

My kids couldn't wait to try all the different poses. They wanted to jump right in! What I really like about the cards is that the instructions walk the kids into and out of the poses with easy to understand instructions. Each instruction is accompanied by a positive thought that can help guide the kids into feeling strong, empowered and focused - and they often make the instructions for doing the pose more clear. For example, the thoughts that go with the instructions on "Tree":
  1. I send roots down deep into the earth.
  2. I am focused and stable.
  3. I reach high to the sky.
  4. I am a beautiful tree.
I like that not only do the cards encourage my kids to be active, but they help turn their thoughts inward and clear their minds. My kids often need a way to harness the energy in their bodies positively - and these cards are great for that!

Yoga Pretzels cards are available through BarefootBooks.com for $14.99.

Today's workout:
15 min. stretching
45 min. hill interval run (4.25 miles)
30 min. strength training

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