Monday, August 24, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

So, today was G's first day back to preschool! Last year, she HATED going to preschool. She literally kicked, screamed and ran away whenever I dropped her off. We had to firmly close the door behind her everytime I crammed her into the classroom, otherwise, she would grab her coat and be off and running. You could hear her shrieks all through the corridors of the school. So I was quite worried about her reaction this year, especially since she is attending a new school and doesn't know any of her classmates.

Things started off great - she was excited to hear the deejay on Sirius/XM Radio "Kids Place Live" wish her a good first day at preschool, mention her by name, and play her favorite song, Laurie Berkner's "Mouse in my Toolbox." She insisted I take this picture of her getting out of the car. She doesn't look too worried about going into preschool, does she?
She is proudly displaying her Dora the Explorer book - carrying books and magazines around has replaced her previous obsession with carrying a purse around. But she's still smiling - that's what's important!

She refused to have her picture taken next to her classroom door - that's my daughter I know and love, obstinate to the core.

Still smiling and fairly friendly with her new teacher.

"See you later, mom!" WHAT?!!? Whose kid is this? No tears! No sadness! No hanging onto my leg! I can't even believe it! But ......... what will she look like when I come and pick her up?
Riding a kiddie roller coaster on her classroom playground is what she looked like. Having a ton of fun and didn't even run to me to leave (as she did last year as soon as she saw me). She even wanted to play more before she left. Wow. I'm so impressed.

She taught me a lesson today about expectations. I have been very stressed about all the changes in our lives. Seeing G tackle this new and unknown place with such a positive attitude helps me realize that I should be setting the positive example, instead of learning it from my three-year-old daughter. The fact that she can completely adjust her outlook and behavior, even in a new environment, gives me reason to adopt a more constructive approach myself. I was so proud of her today for growing and changing and thriving! I hope I can continue to modify my attitude to match the positive tone that she has set.

"Yoga inspires change. It's a tool to help you drop negative habits and adopt helpful ones, to embrace whatever the present and future must assess what you're hiding from and be willing to change." (Max Strom)

Today's workout:
50 min. VO2 max interval run (5.29 mi)
60 min. ballet body class
60 min. yoga

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