Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crank it Up!

Often, many people hit a stumbling block in their workout routine when they reach a plateau; they can't seem to progress any farther in their current workout. These are some simple hints for ways to crank up your workout without making substantial changes to it - you can tweak your current exercises to get more out of them. You can change one or all of these areas - but don't try to tackle too many changes at once so as not to become overwhelmed.

You can get more out of your workout by changing the length. This can change in a number of ways - increasing the overall time of your workout (run for 45 minutes instead of 30), increasing the number of repetitions (if you usually do 12 bicep curls each time, do 15), or increasing the number of sets you do of each exercise (if you usually do two sets each of squats, make it three). If you do interval training, you can also lengthen the time of your intervals - if you usually do several 30 second bursts of speed during your run, make those one minute sprints. Increase your time incrementally and you won't even notice that you are working harder!

Another way to raise your heart rate and improve your fitness is by raising the resistance. If you normally use an elliptical machine or treadmill, increase the incline/crossramp setting. Choose a slightly higher weight setting in your strength training exercises; a more resistant band, a heavier medicine ball, bigger dumb bells. If you enjoy doing step aerobics, add another riser to your step. During your power walk, pick up a pair of hand weights. Don't get stuck at your comfort level - continuing challenging yourself, even if the increase is small.

This is kind of a fun way to power up your workout! Add some high impact moves to your exercise classes - jump up onto the step, add a hop to your kickboxing shuffle, do jumping jacks during your resting time between sets, increase the speed in your cardio workout. To increase intensity in my workouts, I always do supersets. That is, instead of resting in between sets, I always do two exercises at a time and alternate between them. I make sure that the two exercises are working different muscles so as not to become fatigued. For example, I will do 15 bicep curls followed by 15 squats, and then repeat. I don't rest between sets - I am always working and my heart rate does not drop.

Another way to increase intensity is through multi-faceted exercises, combining upper and lower body moves when doing strength training. For example, while doing a lunge, add a shoulder press. Combine an upright row with a squat. That way, you get more bang for your buck! A great way to increase intensity and crank up your workout!

By changing up the duration, resistance or intensity of your normal exercise routine, you can work on edging your way out of a plateau and continue moving forward to reach your goals!

Today's workout:
15 min. stretching
33 min. EFX machine - weight loss interval + cool down
30 min. strength training + plyometrics

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