Monday, August 17, 2009

Ballet Core Work

Today I took a "ballet body" class at my gym.  Everyone knows what beautiful bodies ballerinas have!  A strong core is essential to executing their graceful dance moves.  I will share with you some of the ab-strengthening exercises that we did today, plucked right from a dancer's workout!

Supine Leg Lift with Bent Knee
  • Lie on your back, both legs raised straight up in the air at a 90 degree angle to the floor.  Point your toes.  (As pictured)
  • Keeping your right leg straight, bend your left knee, bringing your left toe to your right knee.
  • Keeping your left toe in position on your right knee and keeping your right leg straight, lower your legs to the ground and then raise them back up, returning them to their original position.
  • Switch legs and repeat.  Do 20 reps, alternating sides.
Flying Butterfly Curl
  • Lie down on your back, with your ankles touching in butterfly position.  Arms should be out to your sides, curled up slightly, not resting on the ground.
  • As you bring your knees together, bring your arms up in front of your body and your hands together.  Take your knees and arms back down to the starting position.  Your body will almost look like a butterfly in flight.
  • Add a crunch to the movement as you bring your arms and knees up.
  • Repeat 20 times.
If you add these moves to your regular workout, you are on your way to having a ballerina body!

Today's workout:
20 min elliptical machine (hill interval/2.90 miles)
60 min ballet body class
90 min primary series Ashtanga yoga

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