Friday, September 4, 2009

Pain-free with Yoga

A National Institute of Health study recently released shows evidence that practicing yoga can help alleviate chronic lower back pain. Not only was their pain decreased, the participants in the study experienced a relief from depression as well.

"The yoga group had less pain, less functional disability and less depression compared with the control group," said Kimberly Williams, Ph.D., one of the West Virginia University researchers. Yoga participants took 90-minute Iyengar-style yoga classes twice a week for 24 weeks, doing postures targeted to relieve chronic low-back pain. Their positive results were still evident in the follow-up six months after the end of yoga classes.

I don't find this study surprising at all! Yoga creates a more functionally healthy body through moves that strengthen, improve balance and alignment, deepen flexibility and target core muscles. I have begun running several miles on a daily basis in my mid-30s without "easing" into it and have not experienced a single injury ---- I attribute this to the fact that I practiced yoga regularly for 2 1/2 years prior to running, and continue a daily practice of yoga that supplements my runs.

Even if yoga philosophy does not interest you - the physical practice of asanas (poses) can definitely complement a more rigorous fitness regimen and help keep your body and mind healthy!

Today's workout:
3o min run (3 mi. @ 6.5 mph + (3) 10 sec. hill sprints 4% inc.@8.5 mph)
45 min. resistance training
60 min. yoga

1 comment:

  1. So True!! very fun research. A colleague of mine just went to see her physiotherapist this week for back pains and came back with exercises to do... all yoga poses. Which I pointed out to her...she said her physio had recommended yoga! :)
