Sunday, September 27, 2009

Keeping Track

I have noticed that lately I have been feeling a little sluggish, unmotivated and slow. When I was adding up my total mileage for the week in my running log, the number was a little low --- my performance has reflected my poor attitude.

Since I have started recording my workouts, both in this blog and in a separate running/cardio log, the added incentive of seeing my progress in print has been a real motivator to keep me going. Even though my numbers were lower this week, seeing that evidence gives me a concrete reason to push harder - rather than an vague feeling that I might not follow up on. Also, knowing that I am going to be recording this information - even if I'm the only one who is looking at it - provides an additional motivator.

My husband wonders why I update the blog everyday, even though I don't promote it or even care if other people read it. The truth is, the blog is really just a tool for me. It's a journal, a way to record my fitness journey. If others are interested, they can read over my shoulder and maybe be inspired to start down their own path to wellness.

Today's workout:
60 min. progression run (6.89 mi)
60 min. yoga

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