Thursday, September 24, 2009

Run like a Girl

Tonight I got to volunteer again with Girls on the Run, a terrific organization that promotes self-esteem and healthy living through running.
Prior to running laps, the girls did a relay race were they each wrote down something they were thankful for. This rich activity incorporated all kinds of important lessons - teamwork, cultivating gratitude, taking turns, friendly competition, running warm-up.

Afterwards, they practiced running "alone" --- although we were all running together in the gym, they were not allowed to run "with" someone and no talking was permitted during the actual running. There was some resistance to this, but they were able to do it. While running, the girls were told to focus on their own thoughts.

While we were running, I thought about when I was this age - about 10. What a confusing time! You aren't quite a teenager, nor are you a small child. Your body is growing and sometimes disproportionate, and you are trying so hard to figure out the world around you and how you fit into it. I watched the girls - some were walking, some were taking copious water and bathroom breaks, some were speeding around the track. They are unsure of what they can do, unsure of what they want to do, unsure of what they are supposed to do.

One of the reasons that I am happy to be a part of this organization is that I hope that in a small way, it helps young girls take ownership of themselves, accept and love their bodies, challenge themselves to do something they didn't think they could do. I look forward to watching these girls progress in the next few weeks!

Today's workout:
20 min. stretch
33 min. run (3.34 mi)
40 min. resistance training
60 min. yoga

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