Monday, September 21, 2009

Mindful Eating

After another night of wolfing down a bunch of pita chips without even thinking about it, I realize that I need to tame my eating habits!! While I eat healthfully throughout the day, my downfall is always the end of the day, when I am relaxing and not doing much .... I always feel like I need to be putting something in my mouth, even if I am not that hungry.

The Center for Mindful Eating promotes strategies, based on Buddhist principles, for increasing awareness with regard to our eating habits, valuing quality and improving our relationship with food. Eating mindfully is not about losing weight - it is about fulfilling your body's nutritional needs in the most healthful way. In this Wall Street Journal article, health writer Melinda Beck comments on her experience with mindful eating: "It sounds so simple, but it takes discipline and practice. It's a far cry from the mindless way many of us eat while walking, working or watching TV, stopping only when the plate is clean or the show is over."

Over the next few days, I am going to focus on being more mindful of my snacking habits: identifying when I am truly hungry, savoring the food that I eat, stopping when my hunger has been satisfied.

Today's workout:
40 min. run w/ hill sprints (4.5 mi)
50 min. ballet body class

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