Thursday, September 3, 2009

Peace Rug

Tonight was curriculum night at my kindergarten daughter's school. In her gym class, when students are feeling overwhelmed by emotion, are having trouble controlling their body or experience conflict with another student, they can seek refuge on the "peace rug".

The peace rug is a quiet place in the gym, separate from the action, where students can find their center, slow down, take a breath, and think about their actions and feelings. The teacher talked about how even the rowdiest and most difficult students begin to learn self-calming techniques their the use of the peace rug.

I need to find my own "peace rug" - create a peaceful space for myself. The space can be in mind (taking a moment to take a deep breath and center my thoughts) and it can be a physical place (going up for some quiet time in my bedroom after the kids have gone to bed and before my husband comes up). Since I have started my own home yoga practice, I have had an easier time finding my "peace rug". Now, I have to remember to roll out my peace rug when I need it!

Today's workout:
20 min. run (2.33 mi @ 7.0 mph)
40 min. resistance training (pilates-based)
28 min. elliptical (weight loss interval)

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