Monday, September 14, 2009

Walking Backward

At the end of every run, during the cooldown phase, I always use the last two minutes, when the speed is extremely slow, to turn around and walk backwards. I find it fairly amusing when I turn around and find myself eye-to-eye with the guy on the elliptical behind me - the next two minutes are completely spent trying to avoid eye contact.

I started doing this for a couple of reasons: 1) I wanted the full benefit of a cooldown, and the speed is so slow that it is excruciating to walk forwards; and 2) I saw someone else doing it, and I thought it looked like a good idea - something different.
For someone who is supposed to be cultivating mindfulness, this is not such a great reason!
So, for a while now, I have been wondering what, if any, are the actual benefits to walking backwards? It turns out there are a few. Apparently though, to receive the full benefit of walking backward, you need to release the hand rail, which I have not been doing. According to this article, walking backwards improves your balance and posture and works different muscles in your legs, hips and ankles than you would work while walking forward. Furthermore, a Dutch study has shown that walkers moving backwards demonstrate clearer thinking than those moving forward.
I am always trying to work my muscles and my body in as many different ways as possible to make sure that I get as full and balance a workout as I can, so I think I will continue walking backwards and freaking out the guy behind me!! :)

Today's workout:
45 min. run w/ hill sprints (4.71 mi)
60 min. ballet body class
60 min. yoga

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