Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feeling Powerful

Today was a POWER day! I started off with a personal training session at Lifetime Fitness with Ryan. I actually was not seeking out personal training, but he approached me at the gym and asked to do a workout with me, and I agreed. I wasn't sure what to expect - whether or not I was supposed to pay him, or if he was going to try and upsell me on future sessions.

Happy surprise - it was none of those things. He didn't charge me for the session, nor did he urge me to sign up for more. He did, however, push me through a rigorous 45 minute workout that left me feeling pumped! He chose a lot of athletic exercises that worked multiple muscles, and combined cardio with strength training. We did all super-sets, going through 2-5 different exercises and then repeating them.

Here is an example of one of our super sets:
*Bear crawl (walking on hands and feet-not knees) as fast as you can for five seconds, then do 5 push-ups, continue all the way across gym, about 5 cycles
*Carrying 17.5 lb. dumb bells, walk quickly down 2 flights of stairs, then come back up with the weights, skipping 2 stairs with each step, and repeat.

We went through that entire super set 3 times. Wow! I was out of breath after that! I was planning on doing a 3-mile run after the training session, but did not have enough energy! I was only able to walk for about 15 minutes to cool down.

Then, later this evening, I did a session of power yoga with Tracey Gardner. Because of school starting and various meetings, it has been a while since I have taken her class. That class takes a lot out of me, too! Sweat, sweat, sweat.

I needed a boost in my energy and motivation, and today was perfect for that!

Today's workout:
15 min. elliptical (random) 1.88 mi
5 min. stairmaster, glute raise w/ step
45 min. personal training, cardio + strength train
15 min. walk 1.06 mi
60 min. power yoga

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