Saturday, September 26, 2009

108 Sun Salutations

Today was a special event at my gym, Lifetime Fitness, to promote their (nearly non-existent) yoga program. The idea was to do 108 Sun Salutations - a traditional practice typically done at the spring or autumnal equinox. The number 108 has a variety of signifiers, which can be read about here. Unfortunately, however, this practice typically takes about 2 1/2 - 3 hours, and only one hour and 15 minutes was set aside.

Even with this time limitation, we were able to complete sixty sun salutations (Surya Namaskar A). I thought this might prove to be somewhat physically challenging, but the exertion is no more than a typical sixty minute yoga practice, and somewhat less considering that you spend five breaths in each down dog pose.

The practice was certainly helpful in keeping me focused on the present. As the teacher suggested at the beginning, "There are not 108 Sun Salutations to complete. There is only the Sun Salutation that you are currently doing." Focusing on the breath, listening to my body, staying in the moment.

I also relished this practice because it allowed me to contemplate each asana of the Sun Salutation individually, and get deeper into each one. By continually repeating the same poses, I was able to really figure out which muscles and bones are active, analyze the way my joints are hinging and breathe into each pose differently each time. When I do my Sun Salutations tomorrow, I will be much more aware of my body in each posture.

Today's workout:
60 min. yoga

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