Monday, September 7, 2009


Since I have started running, I have been asked many times, when are you running a marathon? The truth is, I have no interest or plan to run one.

I think many people associate running a marathon as the "ultimate" running accomplishment. I have so much admiration and respect for those people who choose to take on that challenge and reach their goal; however, that is not a goal that I share. For one thing, the training to complete a marathon is rigorous and time consuming and involves completing longer and longer runs to develop race-specific endurance. Although I have enjoyed learning and improving my running, I do not wish to devote hours and hours of time to running. Not only do I have other family responsibilities, but I have other fitness interests as well (resistance training and yoga).

Furthermore, while I believe that with the proper training I could certainly complete a marathon, I could never be competitive in it. I enjoy the 5,000m (5K) distance because I can run races frequently and quickly see my improvement. I enjoy doing speed work and seeing tangible results.

So while I commend those who do work hard to run and compete in marathon races, I feel appropriately matched with the 5K distance and will continue to strive for my time goals in those races.

Today's workout:
60 min hill interval elliptical (7.6 mi)
30 min resistance training
60 min yoga

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zippy Mama,
    thanks for visiting my space :)

    Andrew just began running this summer (couch to 5k) and will be completing the program this week! WOO! he also has been struggling with this question- people assume he refuses the marathon option because he thinks he "can't" do it- and encourage him all the more (which is sweet, but missing the point).

    He feels the same as you do- he runs cuz he loves it, not to train for something. :)
    and he also does yoga!
