Thursday, December 3, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Honestly, as the weather gets increasingly worse, I truly feel like hibernating. I just want to eat and eat and eat, and then cuddle up under a cozy blanket and go to sleep ... and wake up to sunshine, reggae music, and waves. I suppose that's not happening though.

My motivation right now is very low - I usually experience this kind of feeling throughout the colder months. I really have to push myself to carry on with daily activities, let alone having the extra gumption to exercise faithfully.

Here are a few things that help me continue to maintain my exercise routine even when I don't necessarily feel like doing it:
  • Set aside time every day specifically for exercise. For me, I go right after I drop the older kids off at school. I always practice yoga right after I put my daughters to bed.
  • Recognize my malaise, acknowledge it, and then exercise anyway.
  • Set specific goals. For example, today I will run six miles. This week, I will work on improving hamstring flexibility.
  • Search through fitness magazines, books and websites for new ideas to add interest to my normal routine.
  • Use a personal trainer or coach to provide external motivation.
  • Exercise with a friend.
This winter, find your own inspiration to keep up your physical fitness and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

Today's workout:
50 min. run w/ hill sprints (6.03 mi)
60 min. yoga

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