Saturday, December 26, 2009

Print Inspiration

I admit, I am totally addicted to magazines. I love having access to new and interesting information on all kinds of interesting topics. Magazines are easy to read, indulge my tactile experience of handling print media (instead of scrolling down a screen), are portable, and their bold, splashy headlines hold all kinds of promise.

I often get inspiration for my workouts from fitness and exercise magazines. Some of my favorites are Shape and Self. I also occasionally read Fitness, Women's Health, Women's Running and Runner's World. In addition, I subscribe to Yoga Journal and often try out their home practice sequences.

In order to keep your workouts fresh, magazines are a great way to inject new life into your exercise routine. They offer ideas that you can easily adapt to your own level and environment. Today I used the three abs exercises suggested in this month's Shape magazine. However, I used a cable machine instead of a kinesis machine, and substituted dumbbells for a kettle ball. I also created super-sets by inserting additional exercises after each abs set. It was an awesome full-body workout!

These magazines' web sites are also fantastic resources for additional information on health and fitness and have many helpful features like virtual training, workout logs, and online food diaries.

Today's workout:
70 min. run (7.35 mi)
30 min. resistance training

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