Monday, December 14, 2009

Light One Candle

I haven't been blogging lately ... as it is for many people, it is a busy time in the Zippy household. There are lots of Chanukah parties and family visiting and school activities. The kids love it and it is all lots of fun.

This year, every year, we celebrate freedom and the right to worship as we choose. We celebrate the right to be ourselves and the right to live according to the dictates of our religion and our conscience. We celebrate the right to live in peace with others who make different choices. We celebrate our ability to light our Chanukah menorah on a street filled with Christmas lights. We remember with gratitude those who fought and gave their lives for those freedoms, in ancient and modern times.

Chag Samaech and Happy Holidays to all!

Today's workout:
50 min. run (5.64 mi)
40 min. ballet body class
45 min. yoga

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