Sunday, November 29, 2009

Don't Worry, You Didn't Blow It

It's nice to be back on the blog again. I like keeping up with the blog because it's my way of checking in with myself, even if no one else reads it. We had a great Thanksgiving with lots of guests and tons of wonderful food.

When I got to the gym this morning, I saw on one of the morning shows a quick teaser for another segment that went something along the lines of "If you blew it over Thanksgiving, here's how to get back into shape." Of course, they run this same story every year, after Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, but something about it made me think today.

Thanksgiving is one day a year. You can't "blow it" over Thanksgiving, even if you make unhealthy food choices or overindulge or are completely inactive all day. Everyday is a new day, and every choice is a new choice. As long as we are still alive, we haven't blown it. We always have another chance to be better, another chance to make a healthy choice, another chance to make it right.

So, there is no need to give up or feel bad about yourself if you ate with abandon over the holiday. I certainly did. The food was delicious and abundant. But that was Thursday, and Friday was a new day. Instead of looking backward with regret, or forward to the holidays with anxiety, just live in your present moment, make healthy choices for yourself for right now and develop a healthy lifestyle one step at a time.

Today's workout:
50 min. run (5.75 mi)
30 min. resistance training
60 min. yoga

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