Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Saved by Julia

Tonight my husband and I watched Julie & Julia, the movie about the Julie Powell, a blogger, who undertook the self-imposed challenge to cook all 524 of Julia Child's recipes from her acclaimed cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year's time.

What I found interesting was the Julie Powell character's continuous claim that Julia Child "saved" her, that these acts of cooking and writing "pulled her out of the sea". While this description may be melodramatic, it does point to the need that many of us have to distinguish ourselves in someway and find something to define ourselves by. For Julie, she was able to escape the drudgery of her office job and her feelings of failure as a writer by tackling complicated culinary feats. Not only did she find cooking creative, relaxing and refreshing, it was a way for her to carve a new identity and create meaning in her life.

I think each of us needs something to hold on to, that we feel sets us apart and gives us a sense of who we are. Those of us who spend our lives taking care of others - our children, our parents, our students, our clients - may seek a deeper connection with our own selves. I personally strive to challenge myself with developing my physical fitness, but each of us set our own goals and find our own path. Once we do, it makes life a little bit easier.

Today's workout:
30 min. run (4.0 mi)
25 min. weight lifting
60 min. personal yoga training
60 min. yoga @ home

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