Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga: Class v. Home Practice

Today I was so happy to revisit my old stomping grounds at the JCC and join the yoga class in which I used to regularly participate prior to a lifestyle/schedule change. It was such a pleasure to practice in a community of familiar faces.

However, in returning to this studio, the evolution of my practice over the past six months became clear. I became aware of some of the differences in doing yoga in a class setting versus establishing a home practice. There are advantages to both methods, and each way may have drawbacks, according to what a person is seeking from their practice at any given moment.

I thought I would set out some of the key features of each way of practicing yoga.

Yoga in a Class Setting
  • Class days and times established by yoga studio
  • Poses and sequences determined and led by a teacher
  • Adjustments or advice may be available from teacher
  • Yoga studio may provide additional equipment (mirror, blocks, straps, etc.)
  • Teacher may provide additional challenges or modifications as necessary
  • Practicing amid a community of like-minded peers
Yoga as a Home Practice
  • Practice times flexible, determined by you
  • Poses and sequences flexible, determined by you
  • No external feedback provided - you can learn to monitor your own body
  • Equipment limited to what you purchase or borrow
  • Challenges or modifications determined by you
  • Practice alone
For me, I have noticed that I feel a greater ownership of my practice now that I break out my mat on a daily basis. Being away from a studio or gym setting that provides regular yoga classes, I have more motivation to practice on my own. In the past, if I missed a scheduled class, I would just wait until the next class came around, even if it wasn't for a day or two, rather than roll my mat out at home. Now, I set aside time to practice every night, even if it isn't at the same time or for the same duration each night.

Also, I am able to customize the poses and sequences to match my own physical needs and mental attitude. While I thoroughly enjoyed the class today, it was not necessarily the same combination of poses that I would have chosen on my own. In some ways this is good, because it widens my perspective and keeps me from getting stuck in a rut; on the other hand, I want to make sure that I stay aware of my own goals and use them to direct my practice.

I enjoyed practicing with the use of a mirror today. I haven't been able to see myself practicing in a while. I definitely noticed an increase in flexibility and an improvement in form since I last saw my reflection in yoga class (several months). I also liked having the teacher adjust my form when necessary. I miss these forms of external feedback when practicing alone.

While I am happy that a daily home practice has rejuvenated yoga for me, returning to a class setting provided me insight into my practice as well. I will continue to practice at home, and keep my eyes open for more opportunities to join classes.

Today's workout:
60 min. yoga @ JCC
60 min. yoga @ home

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