Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweat it out!

Last night, I had a wonderful night with my friends - drinks at the Blue Danube (you can finally see your drinking buddies now that smoking has been banned!), a spicy and delicious dinner at nearby Blue Nile, and more drinks at Spagio Wine Cellar, followed by ice cream at Columbus' own Jeni's.  

Needless to say, I woke up this morning feeling less than stellar.  I wasn't sure if I had the motivation to even go to the gym, let alone tackle anything remotely challenging.  However, one of the best pieces of advice that I have heard is: just get your gym clothes on and then when you have the opportunity to go the gym, you won't have any excuse.  It just puts you in the right frame of mind.

So even though I lingered a little longer at home than I normally would, I got dressed and went to the gym.  Tempted to do a weak basic run, I bit the bullet and charged ahead with the full-on lactate threshold run that I modified earlier in the week.  This time, not only was I able to complete the full workout, I did so without significant fatigue.  And it felt amazing to sweat out all the bad juju from the night before.  I felt one hundred percent better after completing the workout, and so glad that I didn't wimp out and stay home!

Today' workout:
15 min. stretch
55 min. run:
1.0 mile @ 0% incline 5.0 mph
1.5 mile @ 1% incline 7.0 mph
.5 mile @ 0% incline 5.0 mph
1.5 mile @ 1% incline 7.0 mph
.5 mile @ 1% incline 6.0 mph
1.0 mile @ 1% incline 5.0 mph

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