Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Running Music

I am a relatively new runner, and have been searching for tools to help me improve since I started. One of my favorites that I have found is Podrunner - free downloadable podcasts of running music. What makes these special is that they are more than just a playlist. The music is carefully tempo-controlled and the podcasts are labelled with the BPM (beats per minute) range. This helps you reach your stride and run smoothly. You can choose the mix that best matches your desired pace - mixes start at 130 bpm and go up to 180 bpm.

Today, I used the other type of podcast DJ Steveboy has created, Podrunner Interval. He has developed sequential podcasts to be used for runners training towards a 5K, 8K or 10K. Each training program contains several increasingly difficult interval workouts. The mixes increase in length and tempo as the weeks go on. In each podcast, a tone will sound indicating that the runner should speed up, and then sound again to notify the runner to slow back down. The tempo of the music speeds up accordingly with the interval.

The music is all electronica/house/techno music, with no or few lyrics. I find it energizing without being distracting. The podcasts provide enough direction to make me feel as though I am progressing, but give me the freedom to set my own pace. I would recommend them, particularly for a runner who needs a training regimen.

Today's workout:
30 min. interval run
30 min. strength training, focus on legs

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