Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

My silly daughter G, out of the blue, made this comment at the dinner table tonight: "It's really important to exercise because if you don't you'll get a BIG TUMMY!!!"

Wow. I guess the message is getting through! We try to frame the exercise conversation more along the lines of healthy bodies, but clearly, G is discovering the importance of physical activity. After her observation, we discussed the importance of respecting everyone and not making rude comments to any about their size or shape, since we all have different bodies!

However, we did use this teachable moment to talk to the girls about the importance of making healthy choices, and integrating physical activity into their daily lives - things like ballet, playing on the swing set, sport camp, horseback riding and their usual crazy running around. One of our family goals is to set an example for our children of healthy lifestyles so they will continue to be active throughout their lives.

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