Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jump up!

Cross-training in general is a good idea to add to your workout regimen.  Even if your main focus is running, adding new exercises and routines will increase your motivation and improve your overall performance by strengthening and toning different muscles.

Plyometric exercises are those designed to produce fast, powerful movements to improve sports performance. "Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal. Plyometrics is used to increase the speed or force of muscular contractions, often with the goal of increasing the height of a jump." (Wikipedia.org)

I incorporated some plyometrics into my workout today as a part of my ongoing goal of increasing my speed.  These exercises can easily be modified by changing the number repetitions or the height of the platform.  I used a Reebok Step with one set of risers.

Side Jump
Stand to the right of the bench.  Jump up laterally to your left, onto the bench.  Immediately jump back down.  Continue jumping without coming to a full stop between jumps.  Do 20 repetitions, then change to the other side.

Platform Side Hurdle
Stand to the right of the bench.  Jump up laterally and completely over the bench to the left side.  You will need to propel yourself higher into the air for this jump.  As soon as you land, jump back over to the other side.  This is one repetition - do 20.

Single Leg Jumps
This exercise improves leg strength as well as balance.  Go to the short end of the bench and face the bench.  Stand on your left leg only.  Jump forward onto the bench and land on your left leg, keeping your right leg lifted.  Jump back down onto your left leg.  Complete 20 reps, and then switch to your right.  Keep the non-working leg lifted for the entire set.

After you are done with these jumps, complete the entire routine again.  If this much jumping is difficult for you, try doing squats or another exercise in between sets.

Today's workout:
30 min. elliptical (weight loss interval)
30 min. strength training & plyometrics

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