Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Core Work

Building your core muscles is important no matter what sport or physical activity you are involved in. I'm always looking for new exercises to firm and tone my abs. Here a few moves that are done with a medicine ball and a partner, since working out with a friend is twice as nice! I use a 6 lb. medicine ball, but you can go heavier or lighter depending on your abilities and the level of challenge that you seek.

Oblique Twist with Medicine Ball
This exercises works the sides of your abs. Have your partner stand back-to-back with you. Hold the ball at waist level, and twist back and forth laterally, handing off the ball to your partner. That is, hold the ball in your left hand and quickly move it over to the right and hand it over to your partner, who does the same move and hands it back to you. Repeat at a rapid pace for thirty seconds, then switch directions and do it again.

Ab Crunch with Medicine Ball Throw
In this exercise, one partner lays on her back in a crunch position, with knees bent. The other partner stands, facing the other, toes touching. You throw the ball back and forth as the partner on the floor crunches. The one on the floor crunches up, throws to the standing partner. The one standing throws it back, and the one laying down crunches down with the ball and throws it to the standing partner again. Continue for thirty seconds and then switch positions.

Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Stand about seven feet apart from your partner, facing one another (about the length of a yoga mat). Hold the ball at chest level, with your palms facing out. Throw the ball back and forth with your partner quickly and forcefully. Alternate this activity with the next one.

Medicine Ball Squat and High Throw
Maintain the same position as in the previous exercise. This time, squat down with the medicine ball, and then throw it in a measured, high arc to your partner, who should squat and throw it back in the same manner.

These exercises will help with ab strength and also work arms, chest, legs and shoulders, as well as improving balance. They are a fun way to change up your workout.

Today's workout:
15 min. easy pace run
30 min. core class
30 min. weight loss interval on EFX (2.5 miles)
60 min. power yoga

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