Saturday, July 18, 2009

Running with the Zippy Mama

Today I ran my fastest time yet, 23:58!!  I was super excited to get in under 24 minutes.  At about the two mile mark, I latched onto another runner (who I didn't know!) whose pace seemed *just enough* faster than mine to motivate me.  However, at about the 2.9 mile mark, I was STRUGGLING and had to let him break away ahead of me.  When I saw the clock still said 23 minutes, I picked up the pace as much as I could to make sure than I came in under 24.  And I did!!!  I was so proud of myself.  My pacemaker came up to me later and said, "I was trying to keep up with you the whole way!"  Running in a race is a great way to see how being with others is one of the best motivations to do your best, and then try to do even better!

By the way, I won my age group (30-39) and came in as the fourth female overall!  

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