Sunday, October 18, 2009

Searching for Santosha

One of the niyamas (a set of guidelines for our internal self) is santosha, which can be described as contentment. In Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit, Donna Farhi writes about santosha:
[it] is the ability to feel satisfied within the container of one's immediate experience ... it is a sign that we are at peace with whatever stage of growth we are in and the circumstances we find ourselves in ... we practice patience and attempt to live as best we can within our situation until we are able to better our conditions.
This is a difficult quality for me to capture and something that I really need in my life right now. In my yoga practice, I can see how the asana practice can help me learn to live santosha in my daily life. As I accept the physical limitations of my body, I can likewise peacefully acknowledge the challenges and stresses I experience each day. And just like I continue to stretch and develop my muscles and flexibility and strive to extend my physical abilities, I can take measures to overcome any obstacles in my daily life as well. It comes down to a matter of attitude. The challenges will still be there ... but why not meet them with contentment and peace rather than aggression and anger?

Inhale: contentment
Exhale: judgment

Today's workout:
50 min. specific endurance run (5.88 mi)
75 min. primary series yoga

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