Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barefoot Running

The book I am currently reading, Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall, is a fascinating running tale with all kinds of crazy characters. The stories inspire me to throw down the book and take off running right out the door.

One of the interesting points being made about running is the benefits of running barefoot. According to McDougall's research, because shoes separate our feet from the surface, encasing the feet completely so that they lose the ability to move naturally, they create more running injuries and problems than runners had in the past, before sophisticated running shoes became available. He writes that when you run barefoot, your body naturally absorbs the shocks, creates a softer impact, and adapts as needed. Your feet and legs sustain fewer injuries. Not only is running barefoot more healthy than running in expensive athletic shoes, but apparently running in cheap, flat, or worn-down sneakers is better for your feet than using the latest technology.

is some more information about running barefoot. It makes me feel better about my raggedy shoes ... and unlikely to replace them anytime soon!

Today's workout:
35 min. run (4.0 mi)
60 min. private yoga session
45 min. yoga at home


  1. Be careful about running in old worn-down sneakers. They may have less cushion, but the way they've worn down may negatively affect your body. The best footwear to run "barefoot" with is something without any cushion to begin with. One guy I know loves running in water socks. Many have found lots of success with Vibram Fivefingers, which are mentioned in the book. Best of luck!

    Barefoot Michael
