Friday, October 16, 2009

Opening my Heart

Tonight I did a heart opening sequence from It was the perfect balance that I needed tonight of challenge, flow, balance and rejuvenation. The sequence included lots of twists and binds, like revolved side angle (with bind), revolved chair (with half bind), bird of paradise, and supine spinal twists.

Some teachers will say that twists will "detoxify" your body and "wring out the spine" ... and I am not quite sure I am on board with that. I will say, however, that after that practice, I feel more open and my body feels freer. My heart has opened metaphorically as well - I feel happier and lighter. In his book Yoga: The Poetry of the Body, Rodney Yee writes about twists:
"[Twists] are good for releasing tension in your spine, breaking open the outer bindings of your hips, and squeezing and releasing the sponge of the body. Twists allow you to be soft, fluid and organic in your body movements. When you use force in a twist, it reveals how your mind is often directed and determined, reminding you to lead more from your center - your belly - and simply observe with your mind.

rising energy from the earth
spiraling spine from the legs
opening chest to the sky
surrendering mind to the breath"
Today's workout:
60 min. progression run (7.71 mi)
25 min. resistance training
60 min. yoga

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