Friday, November 6, 2009

Present Moment

Our family is currently struggling with a stressful situation, trying to reconcile past actions and choices with our current state, and figure our where to go in the future.

My thoughts and turmoils are brought to in perspective when I read these words from Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, which were transcribed in a tiny little book, be free where you are, from a talk he gave at the Maryland Correctional Institution.

"To be able to breathe in and out is a miracle ... I am alive. I can breathe in and become aware of my in-breath; I can breathe out and become aware of my out-breath. ... For me, to be alive is a miracle. It is the greatest of all miracles."

"Everyone walks on the Earth, but there are those who walk like slaves, with no freedom at all. They are sucked in by the future or by the past, and they are not capable of dwelling in the here and now, where life is available. If we get caught up in our worries, our despair, our regrets about the past, and our fears of the future in our everyday lives, we are not free people. We are not capable of establishing ourselves in the here and now."

"Life is only available in the here and now. The past is already gone, and the future is yet to come."

Today's workout:
30 min. run (4.06 mi)
45 min. resistance training

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