Monday, November 9, 2009

Winter Blahs

Even though the weather lately has been much nicer than usual for this time of year, the colder weather from the past few weeks has created a winter malaise in me. The fact that my daughters keep getting sick hasn't helped anything either!

It seems every winter, my motivation level drops, and I just feel sluggish. I want to curl up with a Slanket on the couch in front of the TV and do nothing (for the record, I do not own a Slanket or any similar product ... just regular blankets). I definitely notice that I eat more food in the winter, not because I am hungry, but it's like some kind of primal urge to develop an extra layer of fat to keep me warm.

When I feel like this, I try to just push through it. I make exercise and yoga a priority and always carve out time in my day for those activities, even if I don't feel like it. A workout that I force myself to do is better than none, and even if my effort is subpar, I still feel better when it is done.

Another way to increase my motivation is with a friend. If you have someone to whom you are accountable, you are less likely to miss a day at the gym, and you will have a more enjoyable experience if it is shared.

I am trying to take advantage of these recent beautiful days, and the kids and I are getting out every afternoon and playing on the swing set. Even when the temperatures do drop back down though, you can still bundle up and get some fresh air and some exercise by taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Once you start moving, you are more likely to keep moving!

What do you do to stay motivated and active during the colder winter months?

Today's workout:
50 min. interval run (6.57 mi)
20 min. resistance training
75 min. primary series yoga

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