Sunday, November 8, 2009

Headaches and Yoga

Tonight I was really suffering from a sinus headache. I occasionally get these, and the pain is very intense, especially if I sniff. I needed to practice tonight, though, after having neglected my asana practice for the past two nights, so I set out my mat despite the pain and went for it.

At the start of the Sun Salutations, the pain was almost unbearable, and I nearly gave up. Particularly, each time I went down for a forward bend, and then rose up again at the end of the sequence - yowza!

However, I noticed the pain easing gradually with each sun saluation, and the stuffiness that I had been feeling was abating. As I went into the Sun Salutation B sequence, my headache was almost gone. I also more aware and attuned with my breath throughout this practice. My chest, nasal passageways and head felt clearer and the intense pain was gone.

When I got to my computer, I checked out some information about headaches and yoga here and here and here. This information confirms that yoga has been shown to be beneficial to treat and prevent headaches - those sites refer primarily to tension headaches, and not sinus headaches. Most of the information I found also recommended a gentle, restorative practice to deal with headache pain, and I was doing a more vigorous Ashtanga practice, but that is what I am accustomed to, and it worked for me.

On a side note, my body was feeling very stiff and crunchy after two days of no yoga (even though I did run and work out on both of those days) ... now I am feeling juicy and flexible and alive! Yay for yoga!

Today's workout:
60 min. interval elliptical (5.66 mi)
25 min. resistance training
75 min. primary series yoga

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