Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine Flu Over the Zippy Nest

My oldest daughter, unfortunately, contracted the H1N1 virus (a/k/a "swine flu"). She has been home from kindergarten the past couple of days and will be again tomorrow.

Luckily, her case seems relatively mild, her fever responds to medication and her mood is generally upbeat. However, I am not used to being confined to our home, and we are both developing some cabin fever.

My running schedule has been thrown completely off, and my husband and I are alternating days when we go to the gym since I cannot go during the day while she is sick. Hopefully she recovers soon, and the other children stay virus-free.

I hope you and your families stay healthy!

Today's workout:
75 min. primary series yoga
20 min. Pilates core exercises

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