Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thinking about Time

As I get older, from time to time I think about the process of aging. While I am quite happy with my life, I find these thoughts uncomfortable. When I watch the Olympic athletes or see new actors appearing on the scene, I realize that I am older than many of them, despite the fact that I often still feel like a college student.

Luckily, living a healthy lifestyle keeps my body feeling almost as young as my spirit. Although I definitely have some "creaky" joints in the morning, exercise keeps me fit and capable. Running keeps my body moving and active, resistance training strengthens my muscles and bones, and yoga helps me to destress, cope with anxiety and stretch my body.

Exercise has been shown to fight the aging process in numerous ways, including decreasing wrinkles and helping to unclog arteries.

While the physical changes associated with aging are somewhat straightforward, it can be harder to face some of the more esoteric questions. A recent Yoga Journal article asked, "Have you accomplished what you hoped? Can you address your regrets in the time you have left? And what if you can't?"

These are difficult questions. For me, I try to value each day and recognize the moments that I have with the people I love as special. I keep my goals and dreams in my mind, even if they are not immediately attainable, and use them to move my life in a direction that will help me accomplish those desires. In the end, I try to live a life that I can be proud of, and do the best I can.

Today's workout:
65 min. hill interval run (6.78 mi)
30 min. resistance training
60 min. yoga

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