Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mood Swings

I haven't been blogging lately because I just haven't felt up to it. We are having a lot of stress in our family lately due to starting the process of putting our house on the market. The economic downtown, particularly in housing, has had a significant negative impact on us. Moving in normal times is usually a nerve-racking event, and these unique circumstances make it even more anxiety-ridden.

One of my unhealthy coping mechanisms is to eat continuously. Without thinking, I am constantly popping food into my mouth whether I am hungry or not. It is a bad habit to keep my hands busy and it calms me down ... until I finish whatever snack I grabbed ... and then I reach for something else. Not a good move.

I am continuing to exercise, which helps, but without my usual enthusiasm. My workouts are lackluster and I unfortunately find myself making excuses to cut my routines short or even skip them altogether. Yikes. Bad news.

Hopefully, I will keep pushing through, and will experience an upswing. The important thing is to keep trying and remember that everyday is a new day, and every moment offers opportunity and choice.

Today's workout:
50 min. run (5.7 mi)
35 min. resistance training
50 min. yoga

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