Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Columbus, OH is in the midst of a gigantic snowstorm right now. We had about seven inches of snow today, on top of another eight or so that fell last week, and we're expecting more tomorrow.

Although school was not cancelled today (but probably will be tomorrow), the kids (and me) have a big case of cabin fever from not being able to run around outdoors.

I never take the kids' sledding - daddy's job! - but since my husband was gone today and this evening for work, I decided to bite the bullet and take the kids out for my very first sledding experience.

Luckily, the temperature was not terribly frigid (24 degrees, how sad that I don't consider that too cold). We got all bundled up and went out to the nice little hill behind our house. The kids were great troopers. They trudged through snow up to their knees and scrambled up the hill to the top. We spent about a half hour sliding down and climbing up. Surprisingly, I didn't hate it! The kids were squealy and giggly and adorable and we had a great time.

Sledding burns approximately 315 calories an hour, so it was also a nice little workout too.

Today's workout:
48 min. run w/ intervals (5.75 mi)
30 min. resistance training
30 min. sledding
60 min. yoga

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