Friday, January 29, 2010

Interesting Experiment

In the past, I have blogged about the yogic concept of aparigraha - a yama that encourages non-grasping, or non-attachment to material things. This week, I discovered a year-long experiment (half-way complete already) by a group of women who have committed to not purchasing any new clothing for an entire year. They have dubbed their project "The Great American Apparel Diet" and track their progress and experience on their blog. They have a large number of folks who have accepted the challenge, with a multitude of reasons, including economic and the desire to have less of an ecological impact on the earth.

I'm definitely trying to buy less, but I'm not sure I am ready to go this far! What about you?

Today's workout:
62 min. Fartlek run (7.29 mi)
30 min. resistance training

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