Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fitting in Fitness

I have noticed lately that several of my acquaintances have complained that they don't bother working out at their gyms because the child care is constantly calling them because their children are crying or have a dirty diaper, or need some other kind of additional attention. They say it isn't even worth going to the gym because their workouts are interrupted.

It's true that the child care can be difficult to manage. With three small children (ages 5, 4 and 1 1/2), I have definitely had my own issues with the babysitting services at a number of gyms. However, because fitness is a priority to me, I made sure that I chose a gym with the best child care facility available. The hours are lengthy, the facility is clean, there are age-appropriate toys and play spaces for different ages, and it is well-staffed by competent people. Still, I get called away from my exercise at least once a week to tend to the needs of one of my children. Sometimes, I am able to return to my workout, and at other times, my plan has to be cut short.

Even though this can be frustrating, it is certainly not a reason to give up exercise. Making your physical fitness a part of your daily routine sets an excellent example of healthy lifestyle for your children. The more often you go to the gym, your children will become acclimated to the child care center and less apprehensive about being left while you exercise. They may even make friends, and find fun activities in which to participate.

The truth is, even if your workout is cut short, you at least get some physical activity in. Rather than giving up, make an attempt to go every day for two weeks. It will get a little easier every day. Soon going to the gym will become a part of your and your children's daily life. Don't get discouraged by small setbacks ... keep going!

Today's workout:
45 min. run (5.58 mi)
30 min. resistance training

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