The weather was gorgeous today and I went for a run outside. I normally hate doing this, not because I dislike being outside, but because I miss the "control" I feel when I am on the treadmill. When I am running outdoors, I am constantly wondering what my pace is, am I maintaining an even pace, what is the incline/decline, am I slowing down, etc. Of course, if I spent a bunch of money for a fancy gadgety watch, I would know the answers to those questions. But ... trying not to spend money.
Anyway, as I was running, and wondering all those things, I started worrying about the race, and whether I would be able to make it 13 miles. Even though I do it on the treadmill, in "real" life, running is different than in the gym. More real.
But, after about 3 miles, I hit my stride. I stopped worrying, I stopped varying my pace, I stopped thinking about it, and I just naturally hit a speed that I knew I could maintain for another ten miles. I just knew it ... it certainly wasn't fast (and since I don't have that kind of fancy gadgety watch, I can't tell you my pace), but I didn't feel like it was too slow either. It was just right. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. And I will.
I hope.
Today's workout:
60 min. personal training yoga
40 min. run